File #30488: "14-354688-F018-I001-P1114.pdf"




A.(cont.) of the soft parts incident to the disease in the last stage of the disease, they are inevitable in many cases. It comes from a low state of vitality, pressure when any of the soft parts will produce it.
Q. Is that disease in its progress, the decaying of a man before he dies?
A. Yes sir
By Mr. Butler
Q. Was he in this terrible condition or approaching it when he was in the lodge?
A. I do not remember as he was as bad as that.
By Mr. Hall
Q. Do these sores always come with General paralysis?
A. Not always, but in many cases where the disease lasts to the fourth stage it does
By Mr. Baker
Q. Do you remember about the case of Isaac Ellis
A. Mr. Ellis was a very troublesome, excitable, patient into all sorts of mischief, and it was almost impossible to keep him in one place a few minutes at a time. I was going round in the morning and coming out into the veranda and I saw Mr. Ellis at work upon the gas fixtures, the attendant went at him rather ore furiously than I though he ought to, and I spoke

