File #30536: "14-354688-F019-I001-P1156.pdf"




A. (cont.) Or sometimes we send cranberries, and if it is the season of berries we send fresh berries. Last year we had about a ton of honey, and that was almost wholly consumed in the wards. I canned 250 gallons of tomatoes, 130 gallons of blackberries, 50 gallons of raspberries, 3 gallons of shrub and 36 gallons of strawberries.
Q. How often do you send this canned fruit of one kind and another in to the halls?
A. I think it will average once in 3 weeks
Q. You mean you send either some strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, one or the other of those kinds of such fruits once in 3 weeks?
A. Yes sir
Q. Do you send any tomatoes?
A. We send tomatoes very often
Q. Can you tell me what your meals are, beginning perhaps with Sunday?
A. Sunday morning are breakfasts are usually about the same. We have cold corned beef, hot brown bread, white bread, butter coffee, crackers and special diet, where it is needed, Sunday noon, hot baked beans, white bread, pickles, tea, crackers, and diet. For

