File #30843: "30-318514-P038A.pdf"




Monday, Jan. 16.
Petition of Miles Keaton and others, praying for aid to make roads and that the plantation of Monticello may be taxed - read and referred to the Committee on State Lands in concurrence.
Petition of Moses Chamberlain and others, inhabitants of Somerset County, praying for an appropriation to make a County road - read and referred to the Committee on State Roads in concurrence.
Petition of the inhabitants of Surry, praying for a fishway in said town - read and referred to the Committee on Interior Fisheries in concurrence.
Petition of William Shed, praying to be placed on the list of Invalid Pensioners;
Petition of John Carleton 2d praying for a Military Pension - severally read and referred to the Committee on Military Pensions, in concurrence.
Petition of Samuel Donnell and others,
praying for an Alteration in the law respecting Marshes and beaches
-"- of Jeremiah O. Nichols and other praying to be incorporated as the Narraquagus Sluiceway company;
-"- of David Burbank and others, praying to be incorporated by the name of the Carrying Place Sluice Company, severally read and referred to the Committee on Interior Waters.


Needs Review