File #30887: "30-318514-P060A.pdf"




Wednes. Jan. 25.
Then consideration of said petition, and that the petition of the said Jonathan Greenleaf be referred to the Committee on State Lands and the petition of Samuel Brown and others be referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Resolve to revise the Statutes of this State (introduced in the House) came up referred to a Joint Select Committee, consisting in the part of the House of Messrs. Brooks of York, Vance of Calais, Allen of Bangor, Ayer of Newfield and Fox of Portland, with such as the Senate may join - read and referred and Messrs. Benson, Woodman and Littlefield are joined, in concurrence.
Bill additional to provide for the education of Youth, introduced in the Houses was read once and referred to the Committee on Literature and Literary Institutions. Sent down for concurrence. Concurrence.
Bill giving power to the County Commissioners for the County of Cumberland to lay out a Road over the tide waters from Brunswick to the Great Island in Harpswell (reported by Mr Swift, from the Committee on Roads and Bridges, on petition of Stephen Purington and others;
Bill additional to increase the salary of the Register of Probate in the County of Penobscot (reported by Mr. Burr, from the Joint


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