File #30903: "30-318514-P068A.pdf"




Monday Jan. 30.
as relates to the Surplus Revenue.
Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
The Committee on Manufactures to which was referred the petition of William Carleton and others made a report asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the same and recommending the reference of said petition to the Committee on Banks and Banking - read and accepted in concurrence.
Mr Mildram, from the Committee on Interior Waters, to which was referred the Bill to incorporated the Vassalboro' and Sidney Dam Company," reported that said Bill ought not to pay - read and accepted - sent down for concurrence.
Mr Littlefield, from the Committee on Bills on the Second Reading, to which was committed the Bill to incorporate the "Naraquaqus Sluiceway Company" made a report recommending said Bill to be recommitted to the Committee that reported it with directions to report the same in a new draft - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Resolve in favor of John Cartland 2d came up from the House amended, and the same on motion of Mr. Robinson of Kennebec was laid upon the table.


Needs Review