File #30913: "30-318514-P073A.pdf"




Thurs. Feb. 2.
Petition of Thomas Emery and others, praying for leave to erect Booms on Penobscot River;
Remonstrance of Joal Black and others, against the petition of E.P. Parham and others - severally read and referred to the Committee on Interior Waters. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Petition of the Maine Charitable Mechanic Association, praying for further provision to secure to Mechanic a lien on buildings for work done and materials furnished;
-"- of A.M. Chase and others, praying for an Act to make valid the doings of the inhabitants of plantation No. 12, East Division of Washington;
-"- of Henry Darling and others, praying for the revision of the laws, for the regulation of Innholders, Retailers and Victuallers - severally read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary in concurrence.
Petition of Hall Chase and others, praying for a Bank, at Waterville;
-"- of Calvine Gorham and others, praying for a Bank, at Lewiston Falls;
-"- of Eliphalet Parken and others, praying for a Bank, at Bucksport;
-"- of Washington County Bank, at Calais, praying for increase of Capital Stock - severally read and referred to the Committee on Banks and Bunking, in concurrence.


Needs Review