File #30936: "30-318514-P084B.pdf"




Monday, February 6, 1839.
Petition of James Packard, praying for the passage of a Resolve entitling him to the benefit of a Resolve of March 17, 1835, entitled a Resolve in, favor of certain officers and soldiers of the Revolutionary War and the windows of the deceased officers and soldiers - read and referred to the Committee on State Lands.
Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Petition of Samuel W. Farmham and others, praying for the abolition of Capital Punishment - read and referred to the Committee to which was referred the Resolve to amend the Constitution relative to Bail in concurrence
Petition of Edward Little and others, praying to incorporated for the purpose of constructing a Canal from Lewiston Falls to Freeport read and referred to the Committee on Rail Roads and Canals. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
On motion of Mr Littlefield, the order from the House of Representatives, instructing the Land Agent to furnish the Committee on State Lands (laid upon the table last Saturday) was taken up and amended by striking out all after the word "Ordered" and insert in lieu thereof, as follows, to wit: That the Land Agent be instructed to furnish the Committee in State Lands, with


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