File #30951: "30-318514-P092A.pdf"




Wed. Feb. 8.
read and referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges, in concurrence.
Petition of Joseph Stockbridge and others, praying for alteration of the Constitution so as to have the sessions of the Legislature held in the summer - read and referred to the Committee that have that subject under consideration, in concurrence.
Petition of Samuel K. Gilman and others of Hallowell,
-"- of Calvin Newton and others, of Waterville:
-"- of Rufus Hill and others, praying for the repeal or modification of the law regulating the practice of Physic and Surgery, came up referred to a Joint Select Committee, consisting on the part of the House of Messrs. Paine of Hallowell, Knowlton of Montville, Sewall of Scarborough, Soule of Cambridge, Stinson of Richmond, Godfrey of Goldsborough and Ellis of Etna, with such as the Senate may join - severally read and referred and Messrs. Edward Robinson, Woodman and Swift are joined, in concurrence.
Petition of Stephen Sewall and others, praying that our Senators, in Congress be "instructed" and our Representatives" requested" to use all proper means to effect


Needs Review