File #30969: "30-318514-P101A.pdf"




Friday, Feb. 10.[underscored]
Petition of the Selectmen of Charlotte, praying for aid for making the County roads through said town came up referred to the Delegation from the County of Washington - read and referred and Messrs. T. Redman, Woodman and Soule are joined, in concurrence.
A communication was recieved from A. R. Nichols, Secretary of the Board of Internal Improvements, submitting the report of William Anson, Engineer appointed to make "an Explosion Survey of the two branches of the River St. Croix and adjacent Lakes" and the same was laid upon the table, and ordered on motion of Mr. Benson, that 1000 copies of said report be printed for the use of the Legislature.
Mr. Benson, from the Committee on Rail Roads and Canals, reported order of notice on petition of Solomon Dennison and others, Edward Little and others, and Charles Stetson and others, and leave to withdraw on petition of Uriah Bailey and others, and John McDonald and others - read and accepted.
Sent down for concurrence, Concurred.
Mr. Mildram, from the Committee to which was referred the Treasurer's Bond reported that said Bond, in their opinion, is good and sufficient - read and


Needs Review