File #30973: "30-318514-P103A.pdf"




Saturday, Feb. 11. [underscored]
The same Gentleman, from the same Committee reported leave to withdraw on petition of Charles Dolbier and others and John Elliot and others - read and accepted.
Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
The Committee to which was referred so much of the Governors Message as relates to the North Eastern Boundary and the documents and evidence, together with an order relative to the appointment of Commissioners to survey the line between this State and the Province of New Brunswick according to the treaty of 1783 made a report which was read and accepted, in concurrence.
Resolve relating to the North Eastern Boundary (reported in the House by the Committee on that subject;
Bill providing for the distribution and repayment of the public money, apportioned to the State of Maine on deposite by the government of the United States, severally read once and Tuesday next eleven o'clock assigned for a second reading.
Resolve relative to the distribution of the annual School Fund (reported by Mr. Greene, from the Committee on Literature and Literary Institutions to which said Resolve was recommitted) was read twice and passed to be engrossed.
Sent down for concurrence.


Needs Review