File #5896: "Ruggles July 13 1820 recommendation p1.pdf"

Ruggles July 13 1820 recommendation p1.pdf



[Penciled at top of page:] 2 Ruggles
Columbia July 13. 1820
Dear Sir
After I left Portland I Learnt by Judge Burgiss [?] that the List for officers in this County recommended Generally by the Delegation was not approved of by the Executive, I therefore Take the Liberty to name such persons within the District which I Represent as are suitable to be Commissioned and such as I will avouch for [to] your Excellency & your Councill for their good Conduct in office --
for Justices of the peace & Quorum - James Bailey Esqr of Columbia & Danl Look Jr. of Addison. for Justices of the Peace in Jonesborough Deacon Thomas Lamson & Abel Whitney in Addison Doct Elias Norton, for Coroners Wm. Nash of Addison, Alexander McCaslin of Columbia. Ichabod Farnsworth Jonesborough --
For Declaimers [?] James Baily [sic] & Danl. Look Jr. Esqr. --
I am Very Respectfully your most Humble Servant
Thomas Ruggles


Needs Review

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