File #6021: "ms158_b3f003_001.02.pdf"




"You give him fibe shent" "Wont do it, Naw, wont do it" ^comes to that boat [?] responded the man - "Me give him just what he ask." "You see how hard he work," pleaded the woman "He [underlined] dont work; steam he work. Steam boat he earn more money one day than [struck through] great many men he earn in great while," "One shent," ejaculated she "we shall ride all day one dollar!"

When they got aboard they were highly delighted and the lady especially was greatly taken with the action of the engine. Leaning forward she watched the machinery with the greatest interest. Pointing to the flying piston she remarked "porty, porty," and then as if that was not strong enough for the occasion she ejaculated in glee "ittle booty."

The last that was seen of them they appeared to be deliberating about "riding all day one dollar" - _____________________________________________________________

[This paragraph struck through, once, diagonally:] -- Many years ago on the Souadabscook John (or Atticus?) Skimom [?], an Indian from another tribe came up and tried to kill Piel Toma [?] of our tribe. He bought brandy & intended to get him drunk and murder him afterwards. Toma foresaw his purpose & got him drunk while he himself kept sober. They fought with knives and Toma killed Skimom [?] on the north bank of the first bend of the Souadabscook -


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