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Vance March 6 1821

Vance March 6 1821_Part4.pdf

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Sir as I have just hinted to you at the close of the foregoing part of this letter that I had a plane [sic] in view if I am so fortunate as to have it meet your Excellencys approbation and from the grate [sic] interest and pains you have taken in incouraging [sic] the settling of our state I flatter my self that you will approbate the mishen [sic] so far as you think it will be to the interest of the state -

first Sir I propose to make a purchase as soon as the bargain is closed with the old state for ten thousand Dollars worth of the wild land so purchased and at the same price it costs our state payable with interest in twenty years the payments and interest to be made annually to our state treasurer or as may be directed to have one year with out interest and to look [?] at the land at my own expense In the next plase [sic] to have ten years with out taxes from the date of the bargain

in this bargain Sir I am to be joined by two or three moneyed men out of our own state who are to engage to find me settlers to settle the land and money to make the roads and who engage to leave the whole management of the settling and making roads all to me to manage as I shall think most proper for settling of these lands -

this Sir will be settling our lands and paying for the same out of another states it will also be putting money in our own treasury for our own state will have the use of the money for thirty nine years in part and the whole twenty years. besides thirty years taxes besides getting our Country settled

now Sir if all the land we purchase of the old state can be sold on the same conditions it will pay of [sic] the first cost and interest to the old state and put over two hundred thousand dollars into our own treasury besides twenty years use of the money to be paid for the land.