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Letter to William King from A Porter Feb 7 1813

A Porter Feb 7 1813 p2.pdf

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other assistance than what I could command - although every call that can come against me [inserted] ever, will not amount to the value of a midling farm, excepting my son there [four inserted] - You cannot command money scarcely for the dayley support of my family, - notwithstanding I am so well established in this place, they cannot pay their bills, not one in forty of them who are considered good - -

if I could get $1000 for a farm worth $3000 I would accept it rather than be the least trouble to my friends. - Brother Porter is very good as Brother, he said he would use [struck through] do all in his power to aid me, - but he observed that his enemies had tried to injure him and run down his credit. - and [inserted] although they could not essentially injure him yet he was obliged to be very cautious in his ingagments, I feel afraid to ask him to indorse for me [two inserted] now for fear he might injure himself to help me, and I know not what to do -

I am behind hand in the Portland Bank $200 14 days and a quarter rents & some taxes, and other small debts all of them are called for and, my confidence loseing hereby - I did not believe that I should ever be reduced to these complaints, and it is extremely mortifying to me to do it - to lose my credit after being so well established and at my time of life too, is peculiarly oppressive. - if my friends will not lend me any of their names, when they can so safely do it and be so amply secured therefor I must submit to the expence of 20 little bills of cost and to the will of those crediters. - -

I am extremely sorry to be so troublesome to you, nothing but necessity would induce it, - I wish you would for a few minutes make my situation your own