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Indian Lives and Anecdotes ca. 1886 - 1941 part 10


Revision as of Feb 4, 2020, 8:28:34 PM, edited by Wordhunter

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p.45. Arl - moose, dog Ta-mar-queh, beaver Kus-kul-s'earl, seaweed Pun-nuk, ground nuts Week-po-lark-sum-suk, pitcher plant 47. See-pun, roots of red lily (Thoreau's Sheepsock [one underlined] ) 48 Ar-kiqu, seal Pov-da-peh, whale Sur-bid-gar-maque, grampus See-gar-lur-dee, shark Choos-ka-ba-so, porpoise Noo-kar-maou, cod fish Mur-mur-lar-maqu'e, mackerel M'skik-wee-min-sark, strawberries Sar-tarl, blueberries Ka-pus-ki-minnuk, raspberries Ars-paqui, sall, huckleberries Arspump-squa-mi-nel, gooseberries Chi-loom-pel, grapes Ar-do-ho-darl, bananas War-sar-si-sal, oranges Arp-cha-de-sal, potatoes