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Indian Lives and Anecdotes ca. 1886 - 1941 part 11


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~ wre was 11I10ther t1,lrht over the dil" u ay. r. leol. caDle in !&{raw, ,!HOIl tof Bouthhay.

Sollie of tile peuple Uullt 3S jolly as ever. He stated he hlld

I ~- l- -~ O~ t30 Said. th e.v had 110 f('preselltalion ill to\\'1I lIome tbought" on woman!s suffrage V ~I ~ t7 Irr.L--, _;q afialr~ alld wallled to be ",-t apart. Why which he "bould like to give ml, and said _ ~, ~ _ T' in Uly • I ibe " ,. all I!' t 'qual rt'prese llta- that he passed Wt'dne"dIlY afternoon lind ~(l io ~ - /4. ,.'C/~ion Ullii we wo u ld thillk it a IlUrrid thillg evenin!!l .. the nwetimrs of the Committee ~ ~ ., -=__ • _ --to dll' iele th,' Pl'O" e. Oil 1,1· ...a l Affairs" who had this female I' : J'~ "No. I hU"e Il l've r seen any wampum qlll'~ti~n under di~cu",;ioll. The thoughts -! • • _ used, a cI J don' t thilll, Ill ell are bought. " whkh ran thl'lIugh hill mind were sowe1< ' _ ,y :Ire lI o t Fok lllll in op elling- th e CU UII - thin~ like this: Th. -80METHINO ABOUT THE PENOB.oil talk . We s llIok" the calulllt't alld are Thf'l'e is lin old tradition in our tribe, ~"8COT'S REPRESENTATIVE AND , vel} >-oleTllu lwfore the bi!!' talk hegin s ,that woman spran/rfromab .. autiflllplllnt, HIS WORK. J!llt over t.lli're th,·y are giddy. Every. but the white lIIan t .. aches she came fl'om ,,~h'inh b dOlle ill writillg'. a Illan al ,d frolll a rib taken while he ,. ~d Ab()ut. the Uorl He has In Pickle for ',.( 'l'hillk l-{ohi e in tile Hou se is the 1II0;;t sit'pt. The white man "peaks of the Ship \,_&n Aroo~took lUember-Do We Owe the -soulld IIlall tllcre and llik.· him best, hut 'fit' :;t"te, and of his count .. y a~ a ship, lind '1 Ind 'aos $40(),OOO ?-He Makes M~ine an '<I.otell you J " , Mallly is very hundy , and he says the supn'me I'i~ht in the land is Oft'_ r-A Ild 'Vanls the Seat of GO"ernment he 'can Ilt hilns, If to any place pretty the I\!!ht of suffrage. Nnw when a • "r-Remove d to Oldtown. ,"~u:C-k . Talbot of Ea;;t ~Iaehiasis a gleat qllestion which c"ncerns the whole coun"YlItehll1an: He watclws everytiJillg' and try comes up, thf'n ShollhJ the supremacy t, From time to time there hns appeared,l,le askes ahout eve n thillg. GI·.-at fellow be exercb .. d. Now let us ~ee! Wh" n a

. portioll' of the press of 
\Iaine, refer- ask. They arc a temperance set. "hip i,; hnilt" the keel is laid, and this is

0 ,;ence~ to Jo;:el-'h NIcola, an Indian and a Jinve lIn fanlt to find with lilly olle', 1101. the slime liS the "aekuone in a humau 'Ylclllllel' of th· · pres" nt HOll-e of Hepre - '\lvl'n with the new melllber from Aroo s- b •. ino-. Then thf' rills are added to suit. seutativeil, wh" rl'presents tlw Penob~eot -t!Qol;" h .. bOil tiJe co nllllittee on Illdiun No,,;' "uppose thl' ~hip goes on the rocl'8. '~he, the 100;;t one referring to his .all'air;;, an.! who would uot do jus tice to Hihs mav break and give wa.v , but still

'sLrou/C alltLmanly face. Bnt previolls t',

cU~: H e furl" t 8 this la llt! is rightfully she may· be savt'd. nUL if the kepI breHks ltlis, !'om .. of these papers have llIade him :/!lurs, Ullt ~9.r he has been kind, for he the hack bon~ is J!one Hnd the cralt ULttt he ghould lemain at Au:.:u~ta II !It't we Illlllting' up the HCCOUllt betweell doomeLl. Therefnrf', in my opinion the

Colli,l .. of Wt~""S or 8,,.0, and then go 1lOme,

the tribe alld the Slatt', and I lilld there i, ~llprelllacy is vested In the keel, or back .lira\\ illg however, nis salary "'tir th'l due u~ just $459,924, all(i I tim going' to bOlle, Hud not in rihR, nor in any thing ,Whole te l'lll . Of COIII'se Mr. N icola reae! lI,;k hi III to pay it. H e SHyS he wauts to ' e\-er made out. of a rib.

  • hese, and on ~Ionday hst he ClIlled JIl , $'! what ~\'e deserve and nOLhillg

U.. ferring again to the Indian claim, U8 "lid told us there was no truth ill the-e more. MI'. Nicola ~a' s he ba" made the Stat.. ~~,orif, alld Ihat h~ had nUlnel'ou". duties

,Here Nicola drew from his poek .. t hook the followin!! liberal offer. If Maine will

lo perforlll_ to whwll h" shollid g'l\'e the a ·"heet "f lJHl-'er, co\',e l'ed with figure s pay over the fOllr hundred and ode! ~1IH' attention us did tis white brethren whkh would be a credit to a hi~h schoul tholl~a: : tI, Mr. Nicola ag' ees to throw '10 their ,; . lI.. y, so fal' liS n"atnelSS and acc uracy goes. POI tl~nd and Ballgol' in the sharie. by , ' In the fir~t place we de!'ire to ~tate t-O ,lIe expla lued thelll as fullows: I-'ivillg back one half, if Maine willlllove VIe fUlIlIY pllragrH]lhpr~, that Mr. Nicola , Th"re is clu·· II" f.,r rent of shores for the Sl~ at of govenllnent to Oldtown 1fI a thorou~h ~elltl .. m:lD. and, althollg'h 26 Jear~ at ~4.600 ppr year .... .. ~ 119,600 wllf're it helon~s. be is 1111 IlILliall , yel he has such all edu- ~ -The price wu s $:,000 per Nicola has been hef"re the temperance .,J!Jltioll a" would ellable hilll t .. "peli do,vlI -year, ""b nt the State paid cnllllllitt"e, lind a~kpd theln to report the

nuite a hatch of the pre-t'nt House, s hould only $~OO.

foliowin!! ;; pl'e ial law: 'Miat bOlly go into a s lwliillg scho"l ~e~_:' LOS8 of mOlwy put into AllY olle selling liquor to II P enobscot. sion. At. ti!!' ure~, a s will he seclI bl:'fore ~he Stale Treas ury . . .... . _. . .... 13,000 Indian, In be illlpl i~olJ,'d 011 conviction, ':~. e con..Iude Ihis :~ icle, he is no newice. - - - - thirty days withont hail, for tirst ofi',nce. "Tutal $'] 3:!,600 Whoev, 'I' carries to lin IndiulI's house, or 1lild he write s a better hand than do .. ,.. -!Jome ~ th\!. _';"'pulll' rs who pok e fUll at Th e c:l~h put into rre~su ry b ~- t Il e t, ib., wh" gives' to an Inrii:lII, liquor, a puni shtil-Ill. ,,.'he n-t'b tlil~ is atlded tile facl that wus $GO_ ()OO alld veal's afterwards it was : m ellt douhle the above. "Just wa tch be is 1\ Ie lll. erawe rnati ;qlli ,·t and corrt'et li'a l'll(~c1 t"at III (Ii~ge nts had elr,\ wn Ollt I that committee and see what they will -is hi~ sl ,eec h aile! a good j1ldg:.. of Ille .. , 8]3 ,000. for what Plll:PO~ . Ih e tribenevel' : do," said Mr. Nicola.

, will he ~eell at unce that the Penobscots l!inew.

" 1I11Vl: no rea~on to be ashamed of th"ir , III ' pre~t on $132,600 at '6 per CPllt. for ,12gislatol·. 29 years .. . ........... . .. . ...... 1ji230.7ii4 ~"!~ - ~Io. N.cola c am e in. on Monday, being Illl.erpst Oil $4,600 for 26 years, 7, 1.6 his \Va.v to Augusta, aLe l' havillg " To whi ch add .... . ......... . . 132 .600 \gpi·nt the :;ublJ:lt,h at home. Of eours~ ~ Add other debts .... ... . . .. . .. 84,424 \We did lIot lo se ~uI ' h an OppOl·t ullit\' to '1'otlll d .. bt of State. $459,924 'PIn -an IlId\;III's id ea of our Legislature Mr. Nicola did nut expect to bring Ihis ,.ami the IIII'll there, and in a 10llg alit! ill'>lerl'slill)! tall" h e in substance the amount buck with hilll , ami from the g~~/~~(hd( 'winkle of his e.\e and the ~mile upon ,-(QUo," iug: -; 'Pit' lng- hllildillg at An g usta is a bu ~ ~' .18 lipt' 118 he talked, one could ea~i1v sur"p'Iace III it. there is a s luw and careful ~l"e thai, he dill not t'xpect to fiud the B1aehill .. havillg t.hrce branche,,; th,' St'lI- " eotlt' man from Aroostook wit.h thl' cllt<h !It .hand, but he soberly deelared tl,at at,.· / the HOII,c all' I the Gove)'n(\I"~ C, ,uneil Thl' HOII~e wal ches tl,e Spnate; Ihe thCJ!e ti:':tlr, 's do but express the truth, Sellut.. wat c h, 's til e Hnuse; til e Gov,'rllor altd that Ihe sum I s only the Penobscots and Coulleil walch bl'th lirallches and aoe. the 1I0";;l-'al-'l'r JIIen watch th e whole lot. , Josepb Nicola, as .,-e bave said is a B"t afte r all, s" lIIl'LiIUCS bad bilis slip Ihroll:! h 1111110ti('ell, 111~(\ th e lI ext morllillg ~trnll/r pnd practical tl'mperance man. lind the new ~pa per chllps tt-li them lIbtJut it. were he not troubled with a ,husky voice ..nd th e ll I h"v:\1 I' re-c"n~idered and some- wOtl ,d addre"s the house Oil the ~lIbj ec t ~ ~;~ 1 ~ _ ' III 'S 1.1 ' 1'0\\ ti out. E\ en afler til is, lIIuny _of intemperanc .. in his tribe, and h" wOllla Jaws COllIe had{ to be ame llo/,.d. mnlw .... l!<'od speech 100. Liquor, he says, ~~/--~ .' Pnh:l]Js ROllle :lIl1bitious man wi!l COlliI' i~ rll'nlOl'aliz ng the tribe, allii he is going ~"'I~~ -in wi lh It bi!! ~c h e lll l', otl ers obj E-ct allll before thp t,' mpel'llllCe c ' 'mlllittee alld ask -~h t' IJl th c :-<-', is a bi!! pow-wow, \Vlllch eo, t, tl em til draw a bit! makillg it II priso n ~ cg~ ~1----L ~ th e tax pay ers. g-re:lt d eal. T ake the "ff lie" to either ~ell, giv ... or procure for - ang" r 1;00 111 t1!!1lt! I t Ill ude llIe lauJ! ls. "II Indi:m, intoxio-atimr liquors. Thi,; he D ... ~ ,iC., .. ~ " )k ~ S,m,,, "I' the hl\\"\ -'. Cit Ie ove -rthere thillk~ would det .. r Oldtown :lIld nangol' ,:and tll lkt-'d, lI e n :r ~tood on It floatin g log . dealers fr')m tradillg with the red II1l'n tl lei r li\' e,;:, y,·t Ihey s tl'utlHI up allci and i'q11llW8 lind thell his tl'ihe would be ~,A;.Lf~~ I dow n II lld 1'i ',iIIlCci t,hat " WE have pl'ivi- belt... r physically :lIId morally. 1ee:;-' alld ,, 11 that_ One 1II:11J ,aid that Mr. Nicola. while here, an'll nged with -0;1' tiuJI' he let three hundred logs illtu a the cflunty IIttoTU"Y. t·, lI:we the case of 'boo III nc1 10(,1; Ollt sev,·J1. :1.I ,c\ as 111':11' 'IS N"well Gllbl'iel. an Ir,diall who stabbed a I - coulll Illah e it lIUt., lI e daim cc1 th e boom IIIf'lnher of the t:'ibo, pO!<lloned I '-peol ,le 1001. Ih, ' twu hU I cil'cd and ni , e ly- Thul'I!dRY, when he would be ill - I11'('e logs, in paYlIJe llt for th e care of the an' ·e. Nicola is bond"lUali fyr. .. -

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Wordhunter (talk)-~~ bp-CL-

21:31, 14 February 2020 (UTC)~~


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