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Senate Journal 1837


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Fri. Jan. 6. 8.

of those who servants we are: so that when we shall retire from those places, which we hold only for a limited time, and review our doings, they may meet the approbation of our own consciences, our constituents and our God. May we all, while discharging the duties incumbered upon us in the stations we now occupy, be governed by that moral principle, which gives equal justice to all; keeping in view the welfare and happiness of the present and future question, the honor and dignity of the State and nation that those who shall come after us may be induced to imitate our principle [?]. I will new, gentlemen repair to the post you have assigned me and I promise you my undivided attention and best endearers faithfully to discharge its duties according to the best of my abilities.

Messrs Strickland, Soule and Robinson were appointed a Committee to receive, sort and count the votes for Secretary: who, having attended to the duties assigned, them reported that the whole number of votes given in for Secretary was _ 16 _ all of which were for William Trafton, who was declared unanimously elected. He signified his acceptance and took and subscribed the oaths required by the Constitution before Philip C. Johnson, esq. authorized by Debimus Potestem in presence of the Senate.

Messrs Mildram, Benson and S. Rodmen were appointed a Committee to receive, sort and count the votes for Messenger; who having attended the duties assigned reported that the whole number of votes was _ 18 _ Necessary to a choice - 19 -