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Senate Journal 1837


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Friday. Jan. 6. 10.

A message was received informing the Senate that the House of Representation was duly organized by the election of Hannibal Hamlin Esq of Hamden Speaker and Charles Waterhouse Clerk.

The Secretary of State came in and laid on the table the returns of votes for Senators, for the current political years, given in the several Cities, towns and plantations in this State - and the same were referred to Messrs Strickland, Mildram, Soule, Rogers, Robinson, Staples, Burn, J.R. Redman, and J. Redman.

Memorial of Edward Robinson relating to the election of Senators in Lincoln District read and referred to the Committee to which were referred the Senatorial votes.

On motion of Mr Burn Ordered that the Rules and Orders of last year be the Rules and Orders of this Board until the adoption of new ones

On motion of Mr Soule ordered that the Messenger be authorized to appoint some suitable persons for his Assistant and Willaed Brackett was accordingly appointed.

The Secretary of State came in and laid on the table, the returns of votes for Governor for the current political year, given in the several Cities, towns and plantations, and the same, on motion of