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Senate Journal 1837


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Mon. Jan 9th 26.

may join, to wait on the Governor and inform him that the two House of the Legislature are now in session and ready to receive any communication he may please to make. Read and passed. Sent down for concurrence. Came up and Messrs. Lowell of East Machias, Gowen of Shapleigh, Marble of Poland, Thompson of Topsham and Lennan of Searsmont were joined in concurrence. Which Committee, having attended to the duties assigned them, reported that the Governor was pleased to say, that he would, forthwith, communicate to both Branches of the Legislature through the Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State came in and laid upon the table a written message from the Governor accompanied by Col. S.H. Longs Report on the preliminary survey of the Belfast and Quebec Rail Road, the Land Agents Report and other documents. The said message was read and ordered that sire hundred copies of the same be printed for the use of the Senate.

On motion of Mr Meqoun. Ordered, that one thousand copies of the documents accompanying the Governor's message be printed for the use of the Legislature. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

On motion of Mr Robinson Ordered, that a message be sent to the House of