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Senate Journal 1837


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House, of Messrs. Knowlton of Northport, Comstock of Lubec, Chase of Camden, O'Brien of Warren, and Shorey of Litchfield, with such as the Senate may join. - read and referred and Messrs. Carr and J.R. Redman are joined in concurrence.

Petition of Louis of Atkinson, praying for a divorce -"- of Ruth Kent praying for power to execute a deed - severally read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary in concurrence.

Petition of Josiah Smith and others, praying to be incorporated for the purpose of erecting Mills on the upon eastern Indian Township in the County of Penobscot.

Petition of Charles Jarvis and others, of the town of Ellsworth, praying for an Act prohibiting the throwing into Union River, any slabs, lathings [?] or other materials injurious to the navigation of said River - severally read and referred to the Committee on Interior Waters in concurrence.

Petition of Moses Butler 2d and others, inhabitants of township No. 15 in the County of Hancock, praying to be incorporated into a town - read and referred to the Committee on Incorporations in concurrence.

Petition of the inhabitants of Washington in the County of Lincoln, praying for a grant of land - read and referred to the Committee on State Lands, in concurrence.