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Senate Journal 1837


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Friday, January 27, 1837.

Order from the House of Representatives, appointing Messrs. Campbell of Greenbush, Clark of Berwick, Potter of Sebago, Libbey of Cutter and Conner of Fairfield, a Committee, with such as the Senate may join, to inquire what alterations, it any, are necessary in the law regulating the collection of nonresident taxes in this State - read and passed and Messrs. Burr, Robinson of Lincoln and J. Redman are joined in concurrence.

Petition of John Tolman and others, praying to be incorporated by the name of the "Hope White Marble Company" read and referred to the Committee on Manufactures. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Petition of Samuel Ames and others, praying for the abolition of capital punishments read and referred to the Committee that have under consideration the Resolve to amend the Constitution relative to Bails, in concurrence.

Petition of Charles Robbins and others, praying for a more effectual law prohibiting the retailing of spirituous liquors - read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, in concurrence.

Petition J.A. Paine and others, praying to be incorporated, by the name of the "Fishermans