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Senate Journal 1837


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Waters that the Bill to incorporate the Vassalboro' and Sidney Dam Company ought not to pass and recommitted the same. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Mr Mildram, from the Committee on Interior Waters reported order of notice on petition of Samuel Homans and others - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Mr Burr, from the Committee on Incorporation of Towns, reported leave to withdraw on petition of the town of Howland and Daniel Griffin and others - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Bill for the preservation of fish in the Penobscot Waters (reported by Mr J.R. Redman from the Committee on Interior Waters on an order relative to the protection of the Salmon Shad and Alewive fisheries in the Penobscot river and Bay and their tributary waters was, on motion of Mr Soule, laid upon the table and ordered that 500 copies of said Bill be printed for the use of the Legislature.

Bill giving power to the County Commissioners for the County of Cumberland to lay out a Road over the tide waters from, Brunswick to the Great Island in Harpswell and to Orrs Island (reported in a new draft by Mr. Maqoun, from the Select Committee of the Senate to which said Bill had