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Senate Journal 1837


Revision as of Apr 5, 2022, 3:04:14 PM, edited by Aroache1

146. Fri. Feb. 3.

Roads and Canals, in concurrence.

Petition of John Anderson and others, praying that Back Cove Bridge may be made a free Bridge - read and referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges, in concurrence.

Remonstrance of the Selectmen of the town of Madison against the petition of John H. White and others, praying to be set off from Madison to Skowhegan - read and referred to the Committee on Division of Towns, in concurrence.

Petition of Ira Wadlia and others, praying to be authorized to build Dams on the Oldtown and the Push Falls read and referred to the Committee on Interior Waters, in concurrence.

Petition of Joseph Berry and others, of St. George and Thomaston, praying to be incorporated by the name of the "Citizens Granite Company;" -"- of the Sullivan Granite Company, praying for an increase of Capital Stock; -"- of Augustus Walker and others, praying for an Act of incorporation for the purpose of manufacturing Slate in the town of Brunswick - severally read and referred to the Committee on Manufactures, in concurrence.