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Senate Journal 1837


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Monday, Feb. 6.

such information as the records in the Land Office will furnish relative to lands in the State of Maine, not owned in the State of Maine or Commonwealth of Massachusetts, which is imported exempted from taxation and where the same is situated, whether in incorporated towns or otherwise, and by whom owned; also what land the state owns in incorporated towns and in what towns the lands is situated - and the same was passed as thus amended. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

The Committee on the Judiciary reported leave to withdraw on petition of Jesse Hutchings and Harrison Hawes and Mary Ann Hawes - read and accepted, in concurrence.

Mr Smith, from the Committee on State Lands, reported leave to withdraw on petition of the town of Enfield - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Mr Robinson of Kennebec, from the Joint Select Committee appointed to report the time, place and manner to be prescribed by the Legislature, in making choice of Senator from the State in the Senate of the United States, and the following

Report: That to constitute an election of a Senator of this State, in the congress of the United States, it shall require the