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Senate Journal 1837


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168. Tues. Feb. 7.

Petition of Christopher G. Foss and others, of the town of Milo, praying for an appropriation of the Surplus Revenue - read and referred to the Committee that have that subject under consideration, in concurrence.

Petition of Abraham T. Hillyen, praying for a Bank, at Sullivan; Bill to increase the Capital Stock of Citizens Bank - severally read and referred to the Committee on Banks and Banking, in concurrence.

A communication was received from the Treasurer of State, informing the Legislature, that, in pursuance of the Act of the Legislature, approved 27th of January last past," accepting this State's proportion of the Surplus Revenue of the Federal Government," he laid this day received the first instalment, or quarter part there of amounting to Three Hundred Eighteen Thousand, Six Hundred Twelve Dollars and Seventy five cents to wit: By drafts on Banks in Maine ___________ $132,612.75 By drafts on Banks located in Massachusetts _____________ $186,000.00 $318,612.75.

- read and referred to the Committee that have that subject under consideration - Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Bill to incorporate the Trustees of the Bucksport parsonage fund was read the second