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Senate Journal 1837


Revision as of May 6, 2022, 1:09:20 PM, edited by Aroache1


Petition of Leonard Norcross and others, praying for a modification of the license laws - read and referred to the Committee that have that subject under consideration, in concurrence.

Petition of A. Shirley and others, praying for an alteration of the Police Court in the City of Portland -"- of E. Everett and others, a Committee of the Brunswick Village Corporation, praying for an amendment of their Act of incorporation - severally read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary in concurrence.

Petition of John M Keene and others, praying to be incorporated by the name of the Brunswick Savings Bank - read and referred to the Committee on Banks and Banking, in concurrence.

Petition of the Directors of Kennebunk Port Granite and Rail Road Company, praying for an alteration of their Charter - read and referred to the Committee on Manufactures, in concurrence.

Petition of the Selectmen of Leeds, praying for a Charter to build a floating bridge across dead river in Leeds - Petition of James Varney and others, praying for an alteration in the law relative to the fencing of highways - severally