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Senate Journal 1837


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accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

The Committee to which was referred the order relative to new drafts and amendments, reported the following Joint Rules and Orders, to wit:

1st Instead of reporting Bills or Resolves in "New-Drafts" all such drafts shall be rep[orted as amendments to strike out and insert - and when an entire Bill or Resolve is to be striken out, the enacting clause shall be excepted.

2nd The question on the title of the Bill or Resolve shall be put immediately after the same shall have passed to be engrossed - read and accepted, in concurrence.

Bill to incorporate the proprietors of the Great Marsh Stream Bridge was read the second time and recommitted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Resolve in favor of Oliver Perkins (reported by Mr. T. Redman, from the Committee on Military Pensions, on an order relative to granting a pension to said Perkins)

Resolve in favor of Lewis Bisbee (reported by same on petition of said Bisbee;)

Resolve in favor of Thomas Taylor (reported by same on petition of Thomas Taylor, severally read once and to-morrow eleven o clock assigned for a second reading.