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Senate Journal 1837


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202. Mon. Feb. 13[underscored]

Petition of Robert Moon and others; ---"--- of the town of Bluehill; ---"--- of the town of Hancock; ---"--- of the town of Limerick, praying that the Surplus Revenue may be apportioned among the several Cities, towns and plantations according to the number of inhabitants — severally read and referred to the Committee on the Surplus Revenue, in concurrence.

Petition of John Cawer and others; ---"--- of William G. Chase and others; ---"--- of John Homer and others, praying for an Act regulating the practice of Physic and Surgery — severally read and referred to the Committee to which was referred the petition of S. H. Gilman and others, in concurrence.

Petition of Frederick Allen and others; ---"--- of Charles E. Barrett and others; ---"--- of Frederick J. Ilsley and others; ---"--- of J. S. Meserve and others; ---"--- of Barrett Potter and others; ---"--- of Nathaniel Stevens and others; ---"--- of Benjamin Weld and others, praying for the passage of an Act giving protection and encouragement to the study of anatomical, Surgical and Pathological Science — severally read and referred to the Committee that have the petition of D. H. Mirick under consideration in