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Investigation of the Committee of the Legislature of 1881 Concerning the Management of the Maine Insane Hospital Part 2


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1117 Testimony of William H Allen Sworn By Mr. Baker Q. Your employment at the hospital ? A. I am gardener, have the entire charge of the garden and flowers there. Q. State what use you make of the flowers and and to what extent they are used. A. I cut the flowers generally and make them up into bouquets and put them in the dining halls on the tables, where the patients dine, and cut them loose and deliver them to the patients, also deliver the to the patients when there is an entertainment in the hall or something of that sort. Q. How many bouquets a day do you carry into the patients? A. I do not carry them in everyday, do not have flowers to cut everyday. Q. About how many on a average? A. As many as 8 bouquets a day, distributed among the various tables. Q. Do the patients seem to appreciate those at all, enjoy them? A. Always appear to Q. What proportion of the flowers do you use for the officers or their family's ? A. It would be so small that I do not know as I could hardly estimate the proportion, I have no instructions for the officers to have any