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Investigation of the Committee of the Legislature of 1881 Concerning the Management of the Maine Insane Hospital Part 2


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Q. Is anybody allowed to cut them except yourself? A. No one has a key to the greenhouse except Mr. Seakin the watchman and myself Q. You have these flowers both in winter and summer? A. Have them in the greenhouse in the winter and on the grounds in summer. Q. Have you a pretty flourishing garden? A. Pretty fair under the circumstances, in growing some Q. Do you supply the sick rooms from time to time A. Yes sir Q. When you spoke of 8 bouquets a day, do you mean the winter or summer season. A. Winter, in the summer a good many more By Mr. Butler Q. How many dining table are there? A. One in the private,2 in the upper first, 2 in the upper third, 2 in the middle second, one in the middle third, one in the old ladies home, 2 in the lower first, and 1 in the lower third in the female side. Q. Do you carry the into the male side? A. Yes sir , put as many as three in to the private part on the male side, sometimes not so many, would not average two. There are two table in the