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Investigation of the Committee of the Legislature of 1881 Concerning the Management of the Maine Insane Hospital Part 2


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1157 A. (cont.) supper white bread, butter, cake usually with fruit-sauce of some kind. Q. What kind of sauce? A. Currents,- sauce of some kind or cheese, and tea. Then crackers and diet, as I mentioned before. Those are always sent every meal. The morning are about the same through the week. Thursday is usually wasn't beef, depends a good deal upon the season. sometimes ham ad sometimes pork, just as the season is. Usually vegetable of some kind, pudding white bread, tea and crackers and diet. Monday night we had warm corn cake, white bread ginger bread, butter cracker, butter, tea. Tuesday for dinner we had meat soup. I might say that we do not have regular diet for every week, we change as circumstances require. It is meat soup, white bread, bread or tapioca pudding baked, tea and diet. Q. Do you have butter? A. Butter morning and night, Tuesday night white bread butter, gingerbread, canned fruit or sauce of some kind, or sometimes codfish prepared with milk and butter stripped very fine and