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House Journal 1836 (30-318951-P190A.pdf)


Bills - An Act to incorporate theo Kirkland Canal and Rail road Company - - " to incorporate the East Machias Canal Company - - " to incorporate the Central Market House - - " to incorporate the town of Wilson - - " to incorporate the Hallowell Steam Mill & Boom Company - - " further regulating Banks & Banking - were severally read a third time passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill - An Act to incorporate the Portland, Saco & Portsmouth Rail Road Company was read a third time & referred to the next Legislature and the question was decided by yeas and nays as follows yeas 85 nays 57 [see appendix page 225.] Sent up for concurrence.

Bill - An Act to establish the Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts Railroad Corporation - was read a third time & passed to be engrossed and the question was taken by yeas & nays as follows yeas 48 nays 102 [see appendix page 228. Sent up for concurrence.

Mr Bunker of Vinalhaven has leave of absence from after Thursday next - Mr Hasty of Kilmarnock from and after tomorrow & Mr Baker of Steuben from and after Wednesday next

On motion, Ordered that the Committee on the pay roll make up the pay of Messrs Bunker, Hasty & Baker to the times respectively at which they have leave of absence.

Description: The journal of the House of Representatives documents the proceedings in the chamber, including actions taken on bills, petitions and reports from committees read, and votes taken. The journals are not transcripts and therefore do not include floor speeches that are found in the modern Legislative Records.

Link to document in Digital Maine

Language: English

Date: 1836

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