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House Journal 1836


Revision as of Dec 6, 2021, 9:32:26 PM, edited by Aroache1


Houlton Road. Read & passed.

Bill - An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Casco & Kennebec Canal Company was read 1st & 2d time & Wednesday next at ten oclock assigned for a third reading

Bill - An Act for the regulation of Inholders, Common Victuallers &c - was read once and indefinitely postponed in concurrence.

Bill - An Act to incorporate the Wiscasset Birch Point Mill Company - " " to incorporate the Perry Plaster Company - " additional act to incorporate the Moosehead dam Company - - " Act additional concerning highways - - " act additional to an act to prevent fraud in Firewood, Bark or Coal exposed for sale - - " Act authorizing the owners of Marsh or Back Creek, in the town of Woolwich to erect a Dike - - " Act to incorporate the Pembroke Milling Company - were severally read a third time and passed as amended to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill - An additional Act respecting pounds and impounding beasts going at large or damage feasant and stray Beasts was read a third time and amended &